
Audit Committee

The Company established the "Audit Committee" on June 26, 2018 to perform functions of supervisors. The members of the Audit Committee are the independent directors. It convenes for reguar meeting at least once a quarter. The purpose of the Audit Committee is to help the Board of directors to establish or amend corporate internal control mechanism and important processing procedures, including the matters of conflicts of interest related to the directors, major capital transaction, lending of capital, endorsements and guarantees, public offering, issuance, or private placement of equity-type securities, appointment/dismissal or compensation of the CPA, removal of the Finance&Accounting or chief internal auditor, and annual and half-yearly financial reports. The Audit Committee held two meetings in 2018. The review mainly includes the annual and half-year financial reports and other major regulations of the competent authorities.
  • Convener:Hsing-Yi Chow

    Major academic and career Current positions in the Company and other companies
    Ph.D. in Business, Indiana University, US.
    MBA, Indiana University, US.
    BBA, National Chengchi University
    National Chengchi University,
    President, Dean,
    Associate Dean of College of Commerce,
    Chair of Investor Research Center,
    Chair, Professor of Dept. of Finance
    Director, CTCI Education Foundation
    Supervisor, Taipei Exchange
    Director, International Cooperation and Development Fund
    Chairman, Financial Literacy & Education Association
    Emeritus Professor, National Chengchi University Department of Finance
    Chairman, ESG World Citizens & Digital Governance Foundation
    Director, Global Views Educational Foundation
    Director, Financial Literacy and Education Association
    Independent Director, Yuanta Financial Holding Co., Ltd.
    Independent Director, Yuanta Securities Co., Ltd.
    Independent Director, Coretronic Corp.
    Director, KOO Foundation 
    Director, Andrew T. Huang Medical Education Promotion Fund
  • Member:Lucy-Sun Hwang

    Major academic and career Current positions in the Company and other companies
    Doctor of Food Science, Rutgers University 
    Lifetime Distinguished Professor, Institute of Food Science and Technology, National Taiwan University
    Director in Institute of Food Science and Technology, National Taiwan University
    Professor Emeritus, Institute of Food Science and Technology, National Taiwan University
  • Member:Lin Chien You

    Major academic and career Current positions in the Company and other companies
    Aoyama Gakuin University
    Chairman of Humax East Co., Ltd   
    Chairman of Shanghai Yuanfu Catering Management Co., Ltd.
    Vice Chairman of Humax West Co.,LTD 
    Vice Chairman of DoubleTree Investment Inc
    Chairman of Humax East Co., Ltd   
    Chairman of Shanghai Yuanfu Catering Management Co., Ltd.
    Vice Chairman of Humax West Co.,LTD 
    Vice Chairman of DoubleTree Investment Inc.

Corporate Governance

Name: Roger Lin
Title: President

Deputy Spokesman
Name: Chris Yen
Title: Chief Financial Officer

TEL:+886-2-2786-1188 ext.1800

Audit committee
